Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So Proud

Kindergarten Graduation... not something that I did when I was six. We just went into first grade.
E2's Kinder Promotion Ceremony was great. All the kids in little cap and gowns ... adorable.
They began the ceremony with the kids introducing themselves and saying what they want to be when they grow up. There were several veterinarians, a rocket scientist, a boxer, a couple ice skaters among others. E2 said "I want to be a Mom that works at home". Big applause followed. I guess that she figured it out a lot earlier than I did. It certainly wasn't what I had planned, but it truly is the best job in the world... sometimes the most frustrating, but also the most rewarding.


Melissa Murphy said...

That's so sweet! I was the same way when I was a little girl. =]

Buck said...

Very cool. FWIW... I went to SN2's kindergarten graduation in the way-back and was VERY "touched." He's over 40 now. :-)

Guard Wife said...

Very sweet!!! Two thumbs way up for her having it figured out. :)