Friday, July 27, 2007

A long day...

E1 at 6 1/2 years old (she insists on that 1/2) drew this today. She really worked on it. First with pencil, then colored pencils and marker. I am amazed! Her dad's genes. She's sending the drawing to Daddy because he really likes Spongebob too.
I just realized that I should send drawing supplies to Hubby in the next care package. He can maybe capture some of the things he sees over there.
A couple months ago, E1 received a grant from Our Military Kids for art classes. You should have seen how proud she was when she received the certificate and patch from them! She sent them a nice handmade thank you card.

E2 had a rough day today. Really missing Daddy. We ended up talking a lot about him and we watched the videos he made before he left. In them, he reads books to the kids. She only ate egg sandwiches today. Something Daddy usually cooks for her. I think it helped her to reconnect with him.

I never made it to the gym today but the baby stairmaster helped. I should count how many times a day I follow E3 up and down and up the stairs.

We played scrabble, E1 kicked my butt, triple word scores did it. E2 was making her own words. daddy was one of them. We quit when E3 woke from his nap because he likes to eat the letters.

I scooped a ton of plums off of the ground and into the trash can. Picked a bunch more and shared with neighbors. Still a full tree.

I partially drained the pool. A couple levels were high so I drained and refilled with fresh water. That took forever. It should be ready for swimming tomorrow!

Looks like Roxie will NOT be going on a diet pill afterall. The vet called and due to her high liver enzymes, he didn't think it was wise to start her on the medication at this time. Her further tests showed that her liver functions properly, but since the drug is new, he didn't want to risk doing more harm than good. I'm still gradually cutting down her calories. I need to find a level that causes her to lose weight, but not eat every non-food item around her. She really is a pig in a dog costume.


Butterfly Wife said...

Poor Roxie. It must be especially challenging to keep her weight under control with kids and kid stuff.

My poor Moo was overweight. Here's what I did. One of the vet techs suggested this diet. I cut her dog food in half and then gave her double the other half in veggies. So if I gave her 1 cup of dog food, then 2 cups of veggies. So that way the volume increases but the calories greatly decrease. And it has worked wonders. Moo lost 10 pounds in about 2 months.

People have suggested canned green beans, but Moo is actually picky about something (hard to imagine). I give her frozen (nuked for 1 minute with water) broccoli, asparagus, and edamame from Trader Joe's.

liberal army wife said...

my fat dog - I put her gradually on a "lite" food. but the veg idea is great! my present dog needs enzymes - because her pancreas doesn't work properly. and she also "toots" very fragrantly - so we give her joghurt.

E2 having a problem with daddy gone.. I'm sorry. that's so hard on you too.


Susan said...

I think I'll try the veggie thing for Roxie, I need to keep her full or she eats everything in sight. She really has no internal gauge that tells her to stop eating. She is not picky, AT ALL, so the veggies should work. Maybe I should try the yoghurt too because Roxie's are eye-watering.
I hope E2 is feeling better today, she's sleeping in, so a good sign.

Butterfly Wife said...

I forgot to tell you earlier ... Wow! What an artist you have there. Amazing.