Tuesday, May 6, 2008

One foot in front of the other…

I don’t know why I’ve been so stressed lately… well, I do, but usually I handle it a bit better.
My life is full of blessings, and I know it.
I was born in the best country in the world (I’ve only been to a few others, so I’m taking Stuntman’s word on that, he’s been practically everywhere)
I have the most wonderful, supportive husband imaginable. One who volunteered at a time of war because he knew he could help. A husband that works hard so that we can live a comfortable life.
I have three healthy, wonderful, energetic kids.
…and three fun dogs.

I can tell that I’m stressed because I have been grinding my teeth. It’s been a bad habit of mine for as long as I can remember. A little over 10 years ago, I stopped. I had been to several dentists and doctors due to the damage done to my teeth and jaw.
For the last week, I have had a headache and my jaw is swollen.
I’m going to purchase a mouth guard tomorrow, hopefully that can stop my habit from returning permanently.


Butterfly Wife said...

Sounds like you could use a massage or a nice long bath or something fun and completely self-indulgent. Calgon, take her away!

I hope this is just a sign of the end being near.

Ann M. said...

Ugh. If you can, take some time for yourself to do something you REALLY enjoy doing. Even if it's ten minutes in the bathtub, soaking and reading a magazine. Try to find a few moments for yourself every day to just scrape together a little peace.

You need a break! I hope it'll be here soon!

.... said...

I don't have any great advise, I suffer from the same horrid issue. I have TMJ, so big surprise after being operated on, face down for 12 hours that my jaw would be dislocated....

I feel for you but you have to find a way to relieve your stress, even with working out, maybe try yoga or meditation, even prayer can be relaxing if done in the right way...

I'm sorry you are feeling this way, wish there were magic ways of fixing things, but like you said, it truly is one foot, or one day, in front, or at a time......