Friday, April 11, 2008

Field trip

I took my Girl Scout Brownie troop to the Griffith Observatory today. Seven and eight year-old girls have so much energy, except when they need to walk to and from the car.
We had planned a trip earlier, but it was rescheduled.
We had a fun time, but it went much too quickly.
Now on to the weekend. Breakfast with friends in the am.


Inquiries said...

Observatories are fun. Observatories with a lot of little girls sounds interesting

.... said...

I'm glad you had a good time....but in my world I'd have to ask....Did you need to take prozac first? You have so much more courage then I, I can't handle my one 9 yr old son without warning the world before we enter anywhere we go that I have Dennis the Menace with me and I am not responsible....You have my ever enduring respect!!!! YOU ROCK :D

Butterfly Wife said...

"Seven and eight year-old girls have so much energy, except when they need to walk to and from the car."

That is so funny cuz it's true of this 35-year-old woman too. :D