Friday, December 28, 2007

I'm not ready

Yesterday, E3 wanted to use the potty. I KNOW... he's just a baby! He just turned 18 months, and E1 trained herself by 22 months. He took me by the hand and wanted to sit there, only gas, but that's something.
Instead of happy that he's reaching this milestone, I found myself sad. I'm not ready for him to be a big boy. Definitely not before Stuntman comes home, he was barely crawling when he left!
I told Stuntman what E3 did, he was excited "keep at it, he may be trained before I get home, I may never have to change another diaper!"
I guess it's just one's perspective.


Buck said...

I told Stuntman what E3 did, he was excited "keep at it, he may be trained before I get home, I may never have to change another diaper!"
I guess it's just one's perspective.

Well...I'm not taking sides or anything...but my reax would have been exactly the same as Stuntman's.

Must be a guy thing. ;-)

The Mrs. said...

We are in the trenches with potty training over here. (Of course by we I mean ME! : ) I can understand your twinge of sadness. They get so big so fast and it seems like our better halves miss out on so much. Little things add up to be lots of missed things. But you cant stop forward movement. Im jealous that potty training comes so natural for your kids. ever thought about writing a book? : )

Susan said...

After "potty training" E1, who basically just did it herself, I thought "what's the big deal?"... then E2 came along... a whole different story. We'll see about E3.